ICELAND: While steeped in its varied tumultuous history, replete with Vikings and Volcanoes, it is a young place, moving forward with an independent sense of adventure (of course it could have been the football talking...)
MUNICH: rich in history yet overhung with a cultural dysthymia, perhaps slightly apologetic yet definitely determined to abide by rules and other structures as though hope can be found there.
BUDAPEST: redolent in rich colors on dilapidated architecture, Budapest is a glorious anachronism of school bus yellow and medieval turrets. It has been oppressed yet wears its scars proudly in the confidence that it will ultimately prevail.
SMOKING: the farther east, the more smoking...and less smiles.
ICELAND: "We are Lutherans! er, or Catholic...or atheist...we aren't very religious..."
GERMANY: Several Catholic cathedrals, but those were mostly historically oriented, it seemed; from what little we saw, it looked to be a great mission field as the greatest faith demonstrated was in the train station ("DO you know what the Bible really says?" signs and people there to chat) and at Karlsplatz fountain, where young people came from as far away as Britain and Slovakia to join with locals in sharing the love of Jesus and His Gospel. However, the church still seems to be the center of small towns, at least geographically.
BUDAPEST: Beautiful architecture--and some life--we saw 2 weddings! The Spirit is moving in many international and planted churches. God is here too! It was a comfort to go halfway around the world to worship with people who love Jesus too.
FOOD and DRINK: Europe has good coffee, Iceland's was okay, but their WATER is THE BEST--and free!!! The beer was all very good, but, to quote Andy, "I'm a Yuengling guy." It was good. Pretzels as a sandwich bread was everywhere, I mean everywhere. I approve.
ICELAND--not really any "sort of old" buildings, at least where we were--everything was new and angular.
MUNICH--elaborate government buildings, very simple, rectangular apartments, regimentation in house style in the white/red roof style. Somewhat oppressive and a bit soul-less, perhaps. Maybe I have been overly impacted by Neuschwanstein.
BUDAPEST--such a mix of old and new sharing the same space, much older in the areas we were than Munich--a sense of faded glory but a glimmer of future hope.
FLORA--many similarities and a few differences:
ICELAND: In the southwest corner that we saw there was green scrub against the dark, rich brown and the ubiquitous Alaskan lupine.
MUNICH--Walnut, Elm, Maple, flowers like at home, well, the EDELWEISS!
BUDAPEST: Walnut, sycamore, except the leaf edges are not as toothed, buckeye, black locust, Chinese lantern tree.
ICELAND: Terns and other seabirds, little black flies
MUNICH--pigeons pigeons pigeons, crows, European house sparrow, horsefly/hornet
BUDAPEST--pigeons with much darker patterns, almost all dark grey with black triangles, crows, a bedraggled European magpie, an other bird with backwards markings to the magpie. Sparrow, BATS!!! HARLEY!!! One thing that is cool is that the forint coins have birds on them: the 50 forints coin has a particular falcon important the cultural history, and the 5 forint has a great white egret.
WALKING: People do it a lot. I actually like it; it's much more fun to walk if you have some place to go. Iceland was WINDY, so wear a jacket, but Munich and Budapest had the cobblestones which require good walking shoes. I am so glad that my dear son-in-law, many years ago, sold me some high-quality hiking shoes; they served me well on this trip.
TOILET PAPER: WOW THAT STUFF IS STURDY! It was all over Europe. It must the kind Sheryl Crow was quipping about when she joked about only using one square. I actually tried using two, and it was enough! lol
Andy will be sending me his soon; he didn't
take as many pictures, but the ones he took tend to be of a higher quality.
All the doors seem to have this flange rather than having door casements like in the US. |
There is an ongoing competition between vertical giftedness; time will tell who prevails! |
The manhole covers in Budapest are beautiful--works of art! Actually people do come to make rubbings on them and turn those into works of art. |
More to come...if you have questions, I'll do my best to answer them.